Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Rest day with Stretching, Stretching, Stretching.

First thing this morning, coming down stairs, I noticed my bad knee was in bad shape. So I made stretching a high priority, today. I set my timer for 15 minutes and stretched carefully and thoughtfully until the beeper went off. Then I did it again, two or three times, during the day.

Now, after supper, I feel as though it has helped. And I think I have to do a lot more of it. Not only did the knee improve; the leg muscles seemed to feel better. I may be over-enthusiastic, just now, but I’m thinking/hoping that stretching may be my path to the muscle tone I’ve been looking for – that allows me to stay on my feet longer, and get through the day with less fatigue. Not to mention less knee pain.

I took special pains to STRETCH MY GLUTES AND HIPS UP TO MY WAIST, and my feet, some, as well. Why? Because they felt stiff, and that suggests that they’ve been limiting my flexibility.

Stretching in 15-minute segments four times a day is my goal. I think I can do it as long as I remember to stick to restful (non-demanding) stretch poses and routines. So I can do it even when/if I’m tired.

I plan to PUSH THE ENVELOPE, tomorrow, and RIDE 20 MILES ON ONE DAY’S REST. It will be very hot, so I plan to leave early, and be back by 11, when it should be only about 80.

I may be overdoing it, but I feel it’s worth the gamble.

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